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why I do what i do

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I help married men in their 30s-40s get back in shape so they can beat burnout, stay healthy for years to come, and set a positive example for their kids


You might think that coaches have always had it all together - perfect diet, daily 2 hour workouts, loads of motivation every day.

You'd be wrong.

Years ago, during my time as a police officer, I developed severe anxiety that crushed every area of my life.

I had multiple seizure-like panic attacks per week. I barely slept and lived on caffeine and fast food. I gained weight and developed severe back pain that sometimes kept me from working at all.

Even worse, I hated pretty much everyone I encountered and my social life was non-existent. I felt like a shell of who I once was. My wife told me, "if you continue down this road, our future kids won't know who you are."

At work, I was on top of the world. I got commendations. I was reliable.

Outside of work, my life was a disaster.

I tried forcing myself through the same old workouts I'd always done. I tried cutting back my fast food. But there was always an excuse. I'd forget to meal prep, and then end up eating fast food all week. Or I'd force myself through another workout, only to get injured because I was so burned out.

But the story doesn’t stop there.

I decided enough was enough.

I started treating myself like I DESERVED to have a full life.

I stopped beating myself down, and started working out in a way that INCREASED my motivation and energy. I started making small changes to my diet, and step by step I saw my body returning to the level of leanness and athleticism that I knew in the past.

Now, in my mid-30s, I'm leaner, stronger, and more athletic than I was in college. My chronic back pain is gone. I don't need to count calories or skip fun meals out with my family.

And most importantly, every day I'm working on becoming the positive example I want to be for my family and everyone around me.

That's why I’m dedicated to helping busy, stressed out men get back in shape so they can beat burnout, stay healthy for years to come, and set a positive example for their kids.

Sure, fitness is about looking better and being fit.

But what good is looking better or being fit if the rest of your life is a mess?

It’s not about beating yourself down in the gym.

It’s not about dieting.

It’s not about punishing yourself.

It’s about personal breakthrough and growth.

It’s about setting a positive example for your family and friends.

It’s about proving to yourself exactly what awesome things you’re capable of.

Fitness is a tool to enhance the rest of your life and make it better. A fitter you is a better man - husband, father, son, professional, or whatever other roles you have.

How can you take care of anyone or anything else if you can’t take care of yourself?

Your family and friends are watching.

Show them what you can achieve.

Talk to you soon,

Mike Thompson, Owner and Head Coach, MJT Training


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