Feeling unmotivated to work out or eat healthy?

Feeling unmotivated to work out or eat healthy?

We all experience times of low motivation. 

The difference between success and failure is often what we do with these times. You may have heard slogans like “discipline = freedom,” “discipline over motivation,” etc. These are true, but what do they mean practically? 

First, expect to be unmotivated sometimes. It happens to 100% of people. I’m not always motivated, and I do this for a living and LOVE my own training, eating, and coaching. When low motivation strikes, remember your Why. If this isn’t a powerful motivator, dig deeper. Imagine what your life will be like when you achieve your goal. Make it real in your mind. That emotion is powerful. 

Next, fall back on positive habits. Go through the motions. Just lay your gym clothes out. Then just put them on. Give yourself permission to stop, but ACT. We don’t motivate ourselves into acting, we act ourselves into motivation. This is why having good habits and systems for yourself is so important. 

Motivation is fleeting. It WILL ebb and flow. Habits and systems are more permanent. Trust them. They’ll sustain you.

If you’re looking for a fitness trainer in the Mt Juliet/Hermitage/Nashville TN area, online fitness training, or just need some advice to get your fitness program started, contact me

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