You don't deserve to burn out

Feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends and everyone elses’ priorities are taking over your life?

Been there. I used to be a wreck – living off junk food, hating how I looked and how I felt, weekly anxiety attacks, constantly worried about money, growing distant from my wife…..

Yes, some seasons require sacrifice and prioritizing the needs of others. Try telling the single mom with 3 kids and a full-time job that she has “no excuses” to not work out every day.

Come on people. Grow up.

That being said, you can’t effectively care for anyone or anything else if you’re a wreck.

You might be able to go through the motions, but at the very least, you won’t set a good example. At worst, you’ll burn out, destroy your health, and spend the one and only life you’ve been given being absolutely miserable.

Move yourself up the list of priorities. If you died today, your employer would have you replaced within a couple weeks. We only get one life.

Life is too short to be miserable. No one deserves to live like that. Take care of yourself. You deserve it.

When I decided to take back control, my life took a u-turn. Even though I still have many, many obligations – an infant daughter, running a business, being a good son and husband, my hobbies, my friends…I don’t feel imprisoned.

What can you do today to start becoming the best version of yourself?

If you’re looking for a fitness trainer in the Mt Juliet/Hermitage/Nashville TN area, online fitness training, or just need some advice to get your fitness program started, contact me

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