10-8 Fat Loss for First Responders

10-8 Fat Loss for First Responders
High Speed, Low Drag
Fat loss happens the same way for everyone. Consume fewer calories than you burn and it will happen. At its core, fat loss is a math equation.
However, first responders have unique job demands and challenges that make fat loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle especially difficult. Stress, anxiety, shift work, lack of sleep, and rotating schedules all take their toll. Up to 80% of police officers are considered overweight or obese, yet policing is at times have a very physical job where the lives of both civilians and officers depend on a high fitness level. Most officers can’t keep up.
This has to change. And change can start with you.
Who is this program for?
This program is designed for the police officer, firefighter, or other first responder who wants (or needs) to lose fat for overall health and performance on the job. You may have been exercising consistently, but you’re carrying some extra fat that’s negatively affecting your well-being and your ability to do your job safely and effectively. This program is designed to introduce you to progressive physical training that will burn off that excess fat while increasing your physical preparedness for whatever work and life throw at you.
10% of all proceeds will be donated to help first responders in crisis. Click here to learn more
Fat loss is tough for everyone, but it doesn’t need to be complicated or overly time-consuming. This program is designed to optimize your time in the gym. You don’t have hours and hours to spend training every week, so this program emphasizes time-efficient fat loss training methods to give you the most out of the least time invested. At the same time, it’s designed to emphasize fitness qualities to not only burn fat but increase your readiness make you better prepared for whatever the streets throw at you.
It also includes diet and lifestyle tips for dealing with shift work and a busy schedule. Don’t let your lifestyle be an excuse for being overweight and out of shape. This isn’t a program to get to bodybuilder-shredded levels of leanness. That level of leanness isn’t maintainable and can actually lead to low testosterone, low heart rate, and reductions in strength. The goal here is health and performance, ultimately quality of life. Looking great is just a side effect. I want you to have a long, happy, and successful career that isn’t cut short by health problems and injury.
You’ll get:
Full 3 phase, 15 week program to burn fat and increase strength and endurance
Integrated strength and conditioning workouts
Exercise descriptions, progressions, regressions, and modifications
How-to guide and FAQ
Nutrition guidance and lifestyle tips
Email support for your questions